Monday, February 28, 2005

Another Day in the Life

So Let's see.... While my fam was gone my mom and I hung out and went to beaches etc. We went to two beaches one in Kirkland and Alki. Alki was lotsa fun cause I brought my blades. We also went out to lunch twice and Tullys. It was fun havin a brake from the "loud child" and havin it mostly just my mom and I.
Today we had split-pea soup for dinner... YUCK! (not more ham) One problem with havin ham is there's tons of it. Which means that we have it for the next week. uuugh!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Just another usual day in the life

Today I babysat for the MOPs group at church. I was sure ready to go home when the kids finally got picked up. There was this 1 1/2 year old who cried the WHOLE two+ hours. I can put up with some crying but that is too much. After that my mom, little sibs, and I went out to lunch. We went to Arby's and got those little roast beef sandwitches. They were really good too. Then I got home and practiced piano and then taught piano. Oh yeah, and my mom made me weed a flower bed. Tonight my mom made ham for dinner which I don't care for. (I don't really like any form of pig) It's not cause I'm against eatin it it's just so fatty and salty. The day after tomarrow so Thursday Mason and my dad are going outa town for his invitational quiz meet. (Oh, right) So it'll be just my mom, the babies and me home for a couple days.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Today, that is Sunday

So today's Sunday so I went to church like usual. I didn't stay for quiz though. I quoted chapter 25 of Matthew so I only have three chapters left. This afternoon I mostly just bummed around the house and took it easy. When I got bored of doin nothin I went bladding. Tomarrow is President's Day which is cool cause that means I don't have any school. I'm lookin forward to sleepin in.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Sleepover and Napoleon Dynamite? Count me in!

Yesterday I ended up going shopping and out to dinner with my aunt. I bought a new strap for my guitar when I was out and about too. Tonight Hope's havin a sleepover for her b-day party so I'm goin to her house. It'll be fun especially cause we're watchin Napoleon Dynamite. It's gotta be one of the stupidest movies but it's frickin funny. My dad said that it reminds him of his life growin up. Scarry huh! He said that people were really that dumb. I guess that's just life when you grow up in hick town... I'm thankful I'm a city girl. I can't stand goin to places like that. (and yes I have been to places where the people are all like 10 years scratch that 20 years behind everyone in the real world)

Thursday, February 17, 2005

My Evilnesss and my ablility to Kiss

Today I decided to take to quizzes that don't really fit me just for laughs so I took a How Evil are You quiz and a Kissing quiz. The how evil are you quiz said that I'm 48% evil but that I'm mostly pure. The Kissing quiz said that I'm an awful kisser but then what do you expect from someone who never kisses anyone. It said that I'm about as fun to kiss as a walruss with bad breath and that I should've spent less time studying in my youth and more time practicing kissing my reflection in a mirror. Kinda amussing well anyways now it's your turn to take them... They're at have fun!


So today I'm babysittin like I do everyother week for my cousin. She's so cute but definately not innocent. I was tryin to feed her lunch and alot of it ended up on her. Also her dog keeps barkin whenever I finally get her to take a nap and wakes her up. I brought my guitar with me so I'll probably play that for awhile once she falls asleep again. Later tonight I'll probably go out to dinner and shopping with my aunt. I really need a new strap for my g-tar since my old one keeps comin off the end pins while I'm playin it. The other day I was had the strap on and the guitar fell off and did a sumersault luckily it didn't damage my guitar (if it did I would've been severely ticked cause my guitar is my favorite possesion) I also want to get a new CD I listen to my CDs so much I need a large selection to keep me from gettin bored of them. So do any of my readers watch the apprentice? I'll probably watch that tonight. It's actually kinda intersting.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My First Band Practice (or at least with this band)

So today my sister, friend, and I met up to have a band practice. It wasn't very productive though since my friend didn't show up till half an hour before I had to leave. At least I met up with her and got a chance to give her tab for our first song. Hopefully she'll learn it quickly so we can play it for somethin soon. Also we're still havin issues commin up with a name so any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The day after Valentine's Day

Today I slept in which was much needed. I've been frickin busy lately with random jobs. I work at a print shop, teach six piano students, nanny a couple days every other week for my cousin, and babysit for a MOPS group.
Being the first day after V-day I'm workin my way towards Veeganism. The only thing I have left to cut out is chocolates. I got some for V-day from my mom, friend, and aunt so I'm gonna finish them. So if ya ever wondered what it's like not eating meat or dairy it stinks severely. My mom made french dip sandwitches for dinner tonight and since I don't eat meat I had to have tomatoes and lettuce on my bun.(In case ya didn't know that don't taste all that great, I prefer eating normal rather than grazing. Oh well at least I'm eatin healthy)
Now that I've talked about my unusual diet let's see today I learned a new song on guitar. It's called falling out, it's written by Relient K. It's really easy to play and alot of fun. I got a bass tab to give my friend so we can play it together too. Tomarrow we're gonna have our first band practice and we're gonna try and come up with a name for our band.

Monday, February 14, 2005


So I'm at the HRC like always on Mondays (much to my disappointment) My excuse of not goin cause it's V-day didn't work for my mom. The funny thing is the filter system didn't filter out my blog like it usually does. So that's cool.
I took the Napoleon Dynamite quiz, it said that I'm Trisha. I'm nothin like her oh well that's ok. At least I didn't get Napoleon.
So are any of my readers doin anything cool today? Tonight my fam is gonna have a fancy Valentine's Day dinner which is kinda fun. Though my mom's makin a roast and I'm not much of a meat person. I eat as little meat as possible without gettin my parents ticked off at me.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


So since it's Sunday I went to church and all that stuff. I even got a chapter for quiz done which was cool. I only have four left, I can't wait to be done. It's alot of work memorizing whole chapters.
Today was my Valentine's party. It went pretty well. We played that game where you write down your favorite movie, color, animal etc. And have to guess who is who. I got second place. We also played this spelling game which I didn't do so well in. Unfortunately I'll be spendin my Valentine's Day tomarrow at the HRC and work. At least I'll make some money though. Money's always nice to get..... I really want to get a Gibson (that's a brand of guitar for you non musicians) but they're really expensive. Like a thousand and up.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


So I went to my little bro's quizmeet today. His team didn't do that well and he only got third place individual which isn't very good for him. He usually gets first place and his team usually gets first place too. I was a quizmaster as I thought I would be. My mom, sister, and I left early though and went to my aunt's lingere shower. She's finally gettin married after livin with this guy for like seven years or somethin. Everyone wanted them to get married but thought that they never would. I guess she decided to get married after all her sisters got married, she must have felt left out or somethin. Tomarrow I'm havin my Valentine's party which I'm really excited about. I love Valentine's parties but then I like pretty much all the holiday parties.

Friday, February 11, 2005


Today was a normal Friday for me. (that means that not much happened) My sister and I are goin to a senior piano recital thing tonight though. (that'll be interesting) I'm probably going to play my Invention 8, my mom thinks that I should play Solace (it's a rag by Scott Joplin) but my piano teacher says that its too long. It takes almost four minutes to play, since I actually play the original version. Not many people actually play the originals of Scott Joplins pieces cause they're kinda hard. (and you need really big hands, which I don't have) I personally think that they sound really cool though. Oh, tomarrow is Mason's quiz meet :(. I'm probably gonna be a quiz master for the A level. That's what I requested to be cause I get annoyed watchin people who don't know the rules trying to quiz master. So for the quizzers sake I quizmaster. (I have to go official at the meet though, I don't have a choice) But at least quiz mastering isn't as boring as some of the other positions like judging....

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


So since today is Tuesday I babysat at MOPS. (I babysit for MOPS every other Tuesday) Also I taught four piano lessons which was kinda fun since I had Valentine treats for my students so they had fun. Then I hung around the house and did nothin. Also, Wendy came over for dinner with her kids. That's all that happened, not much.

Monday, February 07, 2005


Today had to go to the HRC coop thing like I always do on Mondays. It wasn't as bad as usual though cause I was still recovering from lack of sleep so I wasn't really awake. I was more like doin my school work only half awake. I went to work after that and then I came home and made Valentine's Day treat bags for my piano students so nothin that interesting.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


I went to TW this weekend, that's why I haven't posted for a few days. Anyways it was cool. There was a really good band that was flown in from Colorado or somewhere. Also on Saturday night there was a Saturday Night Live talent show thingy. It was alot of fun cause there was this dude who did the Napoleon Dynamite dance.(you know, the one from the end of the movie(he does it at Pedro's speech) He was really good at it too. Also Ryan and Will did an act from the deleated scenes which was funny. Oh, and for a "snow" camp there wasn't much snow. In fact come to think of it there wasn't any SNOW. There was alot of rain though.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Pirates of the Carribean Quiz

I took the pirates of the carribean quiz. They said I was Elizabeth, which is probably the best choice to describe me. Or at least that's what I think. Have any of my readers takin that quiz thing?


So as much as I don't really like watching TV that much I was found myself watching it again yesterday night.(Due to the fact that besides playing guitar and watching tv there isn't much to do here when I'm not watching Alicia) Anyways, I was watching the Apprentice which is actually a pretty interesting show. So far all the dudes who have been fiered are guys which is kinda strange since alot of the girls on the show in my opinion are stupid. For their project this week the groups each had to do an advertisement for Nestle and whoever's advertisement Nestle liked better won. Networth had an advent where the peoples dressed up patriotic did speaches, gave away hot and cold coffee, and had a drawing to win $10,000, Magna did an event where they sampled hot coffee and had a drawing for an ipod. So as is obvious by what the two teams did Networth won. So since Networth won somebody on the Magna team got fiered (as you would know if you've ever seen the Apprentice). The person who got fiered was Danny which was kinda sad cause he was the coolest person on the show. He probably wasn't the smartest but he never cussed, he was really nice to his teammates but most importantly he played guitar. So he was frickin cool, he was always playin songs that he wrote which was cool.
Now about my life... Today I leave for TW! But before then my mom is gonna pick me up and take me for a "surprise" which I have no clue what it is. She's takin me to say thanks for all that babysittin I did last week. I'll have to post what it is once I know.

Thursday, February 03, 2005


I'm babysittin my cousin like I do every other week. Yesterday my aunt and I were watchin TV and we saw the Jessica Simpson show and the Ashlee Simpson show. Did you realize that Jessica Simpson has been married to the same dude for two years? That's a long time for a celebrity marriage to last especially since her hubby is a celebrity also. Anyways I found that kinda interesting. Also Ashley Simpson claims that the reason she didn't sing live on Saturday Night live was because she had some sort of throat problem. Do ya think that's true? Also her boyfriend is a celebrity, Ryan Cybrara (I may have spelled that wrong). He's actually a good singer too. Any comments on the Simpson girls? PLEASE POST