Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I've decided to start making posts for each of my favorite bands. Since Yellowcard recently released a new album I'll start with them.

They are an awesome emo-rock band. They are unique in that they have a fiddle as well as an electric guitar. The fiddle and guitar sound really cool when they talk back and forth. They seem to be doing well as a band having made the New York Times recently and winning a MTV award for their hit, "Ocean Avenue". Check them out at www.yellowcardrock.com.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Recital Day

This evening I have a piano recital. I'm going to play "All I Ask of You" from the Phantom of the Operah movie. It's an easy song, but it's pretty so I decided to play it. Next recital I'll play a harder song.
Speaking of the Phantom of the Operah, who likes the old music from the musical better and who likes the new music from the movie better?
Yellow Card's CD, Lights and Sounds came out today. Rabenstrange pre-ordered it for me for Christmas so I got it yesterday. (It's a signed copy too!) It's a great CD, I recommend it to anyone who likes emo-rock.

Got to go get ready for my recital.... Wish me luck...

Friday, January 20, 2006

Ferry Boat Ride

Today I went on a ferry boat ride so that I could write an English paper on it. Unfortunately, I had to go alot of other places too so I was stuck in the car almost all day long. The view of Seattle was beautiful. Since we came into downtown Seattle at six, it was dark so everything was lit up. It looked just like the postcards.
I don't have anything planned for this weekend. Hopefully it'll be laid back and relaxing. I'm hoping to sleep in. Today I bought a bunch of energy bars at the grocery store. They were on sale for 30c so I decided to give them a try. (Hey, anything that'll keep me awake during a 7:30 class!)
Valentine's Day is coming up on us quickly this year. Ri and I will probably have some sort of party. Rabenstrange and tbqelite are going to have a "singles appreciation day party" at BCC again this year. I might go... I enjoy being single, but I know that I want to get married once I graduate from college. My mom got married the weekend after her graduation. I wouldn't mind following in her footsteps.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Black Monday

It's Black Monday wahoo. It's nice to have a three day weekend but I hate that the reason has to be for Martin Luther King Jr. Why didn't anyone do any decent research on him before giving him a holiday? He was a nasty perverted guy who used the money he made to hire prostitutes. Rabenstrange did quite a bit of research on him so if you want to know more you should check out his blog. When I was younger, my mom refused to give us MLK day off from school work. Instead, she would give us the Tuesday after off.
I decided to get some home work done today so I studied Japanese, and Astronomy and I wrote a paper for English. It was nice having an extra day to write the English paper.
Tomarrow I'm going to CCC (Campus Crusade for Christ) at college so I might not have enough time to post...

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Babyshowers, Sleepovers, and Life

Yesterday I went to Pike's Place Market. I had to go there so that I could do a writing assignment for English 101. The shops are kinda cool but the area is disgusting, the elevators smell like urine, there's garbage all over the place, and lots of bums and drunks live there. After going to Pike's Place, we went to a Russian shop that sold Turkish Delight. Inspired by the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, we bought some. On the way back to our vehicle we went to the first Starbucks ever. It was really cool, it still has a sorta old fashioned flair. Ri and I had our mom take pictures for us but unfortunately, the camera was a disposable, not a digital so I can't post them.
After downtown, we went to a babyshower for my mom's friend. The ladies hosting it treated us as though we were six. When we walked in, a lady asked us how old we were, we told her and she insisted that we be in a picture with all these little girls since we were under twenty-one. I'm seventeen, I don't want to have my picture taken at all, let alone with a bunch of six-ten year-olds. Then another lady did the games. She said that the prizes were too adultish for us. Anyway, I got a sheet of paper and tryed one of the games. I handed my mom my answers and she won. The prize ended up being a set of nice candles. The prizes for the other games were Starbucks stuff. How old did she think I was?
After the embarassment of the babyshower, Ri and I went to our friend Hope's house for a sleepover. We had fun staying up late, eating chocolates and popcorn, chatting, and watching the Phantom of the Opera.
Today Rabenstrange, Ri, and I walked to the library and returned some magazines. On our way home we bought some Snickers bars to munch. It was fun........

Friday, January 13, 2006

A Chance to Catch my Breath

Hey, it's the weekend! YES!!!! It's so nice to not have school for three days. My English teacher is crazy, I have English papers due just about every day, sometimes a couple papers. That doesn't even include the online exercises he assigns, yesterday he assigned two dozen online exercises. (They took forever) I absolutely LOVE my astronomy class. It's lots of fun, the teacher's interesting, and the way the universe works is fascinating. I'm hoping it'll be clear out tonight so I can show Ri the gemini twins and Saturn. Japanese is getting harder but I still like it.
I have no clue what I'm going to do this weekend. Probably nothing all that interesting. I have two English papers and a bunch of online exercises due on Tuesday so I'll probably work on those. I might go to Pike's Place Market tomarrow. (I have to right a paper on it for English class.)
Ri comes home today. I'm soo happy, I miss her alot. She wasn't here to have the delicious brownies I made to go with lunch. (She's crazy about brownies and chocolate, almost as crazy as me! I'm just kiddin, but we love chocolate.)
Oh, my grandma finished my hat and scarf that she was knitting me for Christmas. My grandma is so cool. They are burnt orange. I haven't seen them yet, but my grandma asked me what color I wanted.(I picked orange cause black would be too plain and she made Ri's green.) Ri has them, she's going to bring them home with her. I've been wearing my hat everyday to school because it's been raining alot so it'll be nice to have another hat.
Earlier this week, I visited my grandpa in the nursing home. He's only been there for a month or so. It was really sad. The people there have him on some kind of medication that makes him more laid back, it makes him really out of it. He was already losing his mind, but I think it made him worse. I felt so bad going there and seeing my grandpa in such a poor condition. When I was little, before he got sick, he used to take me to parks, ponds, and playgrounds. I also remember watching him teach Rabenstrange how to play all different board and card games.
I'll try to post more often, I'm starting to adjust to the crazy amounts of homework I've been getting this quarter.

Monday, January 02, 2006

I'm Back!

Since I'm going back to school tomarrow, I figured I'd better start posting again... Let's see where I left off........ Okay, for Christmas I received a cashmere pea-coat, two element t-shirts, Dickies pants, Rk tableture book, and the tribute to Switchfoot CD. Rabenstrange also ordered me a copy of Lights and Sounds, Yellowcards new album but it's releaste date is later on this month.
So It's hard to believe we've already reached the best month of the year for the gyms across America. How many people actually keep their New Year resolutions? Thankfully I've never weighed enough to fit into the enormous catagory of those resolving to lose weight this year...... Well I've Got 2 go.........................