Thursday, September 04, 2008

Transfer Student Crisis

Now that I've been here a week, I've settled in and gotten into the swing of things. The theory and music classes here are run drastically different from those at BCC where I used to attend. The teachers are super nice, but I think the teachers at BCC were better actual teachers. I miss my theory class friends. The theory class here is kind of like my theory class in that the students all seem to know each other and are friends. However, as a transfer student, I don't know them and don't quite fit in. My friend (from junior high) was in the classes with me, but then failed an essential test which caused her to have to drop them and start at a lower level so I'm all alone now :'(.
On a happier note, the art class seems fun, my teacher is a real kick. He's so different. You have no idea what is going through his head. However, I think he has alot that he can teach us.
My apartment roomies are nice. My actual roommate is never home, but some of the other girls from the apartment are here. I live in a 3 bedroom apartment with 5 other girls, so we each have a roommate. All but one of the other girls have either boyfriends or fiances so it makes for alot of boy drama.

So that's the spill in short. Ask questions!


Blogger Trebonte said...

Ew! Boy drama! I hate that sort the most! Well.. I guess girl drama is higher on that list but only slightly! Hopefully you can't keep your head out of all that. I seriously hate drama... Ugh...

So most people at NWU start off as freshmen and go through the whole program? I guess that's more likely. To me transferring from a community college to a university seems to be the best bet.

4:43 PM  

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