Friday, February 04, 2005


So as much as I don't really like watching TV that much I was found myself watching it again yesterday night.(Due to the fact that besides playing guitar and watching tv there isn't much to do here when I'm not watching Alicia) Anyways, I was watching the Apprentice which is actually a pretty interesting show. So far all the dudes who have been fiered are guys which is kinda strange since alot of the girls on the show in my opinion are stupid. For their project this week the groups each had to do an advertisement for Nestle and whoever's advertisement Nestle liked better won. Networth had an advent where the peoples dressed up patriotic did speaches, gave away hot and cold coffee, and had a drawing to win $10,000, Magna did an event where they sampled hot coffee and had a drawing for an ipod. So as is obvious by what the two teams did Networth won. So since Networth won somebody on the Magna team got fiered (as you would know if you've ever seen the Apprentice). The person who got fiered was Danny which was kinda sad cause he was the coolest person on the show. He probably wasn't the smartest but he never cussed, he was really nice to his teammates but most importantly he played guitar. So he was frickin cool, he was always playin songs that he wrote which was cool.
Now about my life... Today I leave for TW! But before then my mom is gonna pick me up and take me for a "surprise" which I have no clue what it is. She's takin me to say thanks for all that babysittin I did last week. I'll have to post what it is once I know.


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