Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The day after Valentine's Day

Today I slept in which was much needed. I've been frickin busy lately with random jobs. I work at a print shop, teach six piano students, nanny a couple days every other week for my cousin, and babysit for a MOPS group.
Being the first day after V-day I'm workin my way towards Veeganism. The only thing I have left to cut out is chocolates. I got some for V-day from my mom, friend, and aunt so I'm gonna finish them. So if ya ever wondered what it's like not eating meat or dairy it stinks severely. My mom made french dip sandwitches for dinner tonight and since I don't eat meat I had to have tomatoes and lettuce on my bun.(In case ya didn't know that don't taste all that great, I prefer eating normal rather than grazing. Oh well at least I'm eatin healthy)
Now that I've talked about my unusual diet let's see today I learned a new song on guitar. It's called falling out, it's written by Relient K. It's really easy to play and alot of fun. I got a bass tab to give my friend so we can play it together too. Tomarrow we're gonna have our first band practice and we're gonna try and come up with a name for our band.


Blogger Unknown said...

Why? Why subject yourself to such foolishness? It's not like you'll suffer any side effects from eating it and even if you did you could always eat meat in moderation.

The eating lifestyle (and yes it is a lifestyle) sucks as a vegan and you will regret it severely. It's expensive 'cause a true vegan will not eat any meat or animal related products such as milk or cheese, you can only have "all-natural" food which requires going to special stores (for the most part, etc etc etc. And I do know what I'm speaking about. One of my cousins is a vegan and she lived with us for four months or so. She subjected us to her vegan ways (which is one of the reasons I utterly loathe tofu) and got several of my siblings to follow that road. Of course they failed after realizing how difficult and irritating it is.

However it is your decision to do whatever you wish. If you decide to stay on this lifestyle then I wish you prosperity in it.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Neemund said...

I try to eat healthy, which is why I'd never consider doing the vegan thing. An active person cannot healthily sustain that food preference indefinitely. That is the reason there is no such thing as a professional athlete who is vegan. Regardless of your activity level, all of your muscles from your fingers to your heart, rely on a single energy source, and that is Glycogen. Glycogen can be manufactured in your body but not at a very rapid rate. Red meat is the single best source for getting glycogen into your body. To get the equivalent glycogen of 1/4 pound of beer, you would have to consume: 13 ounces of pork, 3 pounds of chicken, or 120 pounds of soy. Most of the B-complex vitamins cannot be obtained from plant sources either. B12 is best obtained from yogurt, and if you don't get enough you go comatose and die.
There are synthetic substitutes to these and the other 30 or so essential nutrients/minerals that your body cannot derive from plants (there’s either 32 or 36 of them, I can’t remember off of the top of my head right now), but they have never been studied for long term effects so using them for more than a few weeks might be bad for you.

10:56 PM  
Blogger Neemund said...

One question...How does a vegan woman get all of the minerals and other random nutrients in sufficient quantity to breast-feed a baby? Calcium is one of the major ones. My textbook for my Biological Nutritional Science class says that nursing women should be drinking as much as 1/2 gallon of whole milk per day to suppliment all of the nutrients needed for the body to produce milk. How do these people manage to do that veggie style?

11:00 PM  
Blogger The Shadow Walker said...

Query: What blood type are you? I'm an O, and it is in the O's best interest of their health to eat as much meat as practice. The only thing that is really bad for O's is bread (but see if I care). But meat one of the healthiest things that a O can have.
And besides, humans are omnivores; which means that we were designed to eat meat. It's not possible to be "healthy" on just a veggie diet. Whoever told you that is full of crap.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Neemund said...

It's only white bread that's unhealthy, whole grain and/or multi-grain breads are fine. Come to think of it white bread is just flat out unhealthy. It has some fiber in it, but the rest is converted directly into usable sugar, and at a very rapid rate. Your body will convert into sugar then use a slice of white bread faster than it can process a tablespoon of table sugar.

1:44 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

Just like the others, who have wrote long posts about expressing their distaste for not eating meats and the like, I too agree, though I don't really want to write a long thing about it, though I could, meat is really good for you and taste good, too. And milk is like the holy drink, so, yeah.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Neemund said...

Why can't a veggie eat chocolate? Real, good chocolate contains no animal products/by-products whatsoever. Unless you are referring to that cheap, Hershey crap as chocolate, then that contains milk by-products to supliment the lack of flavor.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hershey is not chocolate.

Now that that's setted... Yes vegan's can eat real choclate. It's just really expensive.

4:46 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

So I was gonna be a vegan but I can't since my mom has issues with me not eating her cooking. She didn't mind it for awhile but today at dinner she had just had enough of it and made all these reasons as to what I must do to be a vegan. (which include research and going to my doctor whom I hate with a passion) So for now I won't be a vegan though I'm not eating a bunch of processed foods or sugar.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Ryan said...

That's something I actually agree with your parents on. Except if me kid wanted to be a vegan, I'd kick them out of my house. And by the way, sugar is good for you, in the right amount. It's a carbohydrate, and that is energy, so all sugar isn't bad.

5:15 PM  

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