Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I'm sooo bored today. I hate staying at school all day, I'm so glad that I only have one more week left. Last night I attempted to take my mom out to Simply Desserts for cake (a mother's day gift) but they were closed. We ended up going to PCC and buying cake there instead. Oh well, we had fun anyways.
Tomorrow is my last piano lesson until next fall. I'll miss going to lessons and I'll miss hearing my piano teacher's son's tutor. She's really funny... You'd have to see their tutoring session to understand...
Now for the good things:
1. Only one more week of college till summer break
2. The swim pool is OPEN!!!
3. Sleepovers
4. I get to look for a guitar teacher
5. once school's out, no more getting up before 7
I'm sure there's more, maybe I'll add onto my list later...
Tomorrow is my last piano lesson until next fall. I'll miss going to lessons and I'll miss hearing my piano teacher's son's tutor. She's really funny... You'd have to see their tutoring session to understand...
Now for the good things:
1. Only one more week of college till summer break
2. The swim pool is OPEN!!!
3. Sleepovers
4. I get to look for a guitar teacher
5. once school's out, no more getting up before 7
I'm sure there's more, maybe I'll add onto my list later...
Friday, May 26, 2006
These words are not enough

Okay, I don't really have much to say. I've been sooo busy and I have a recital in a few hours. Ican't wait till summer.
I recently started listening to The Rocket Summer. Listen to them here. Bryce Avery is so talented. He's a one man band, literally. He plays the drums, guitars, and sings vocals, and he does all of them so well. (Oh, yeah, did I mention he's cute too?) Anyways check out his music.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
My dad got back from Chicago with the van. It's a 12 passenger Dodge van, very similiar to our old one except its bigger and a newer version.
So, yesterday I took my Botany test, it seemed to have gone fairly well. The music test has been postponed until Thursday (which is good cause I was a little worried).
Today our Botany class went on a "field trip". First of all, I HATE what they call field trips. All the field trips are is trecking around campus looking for leaves. I'd much rather stay in lab and draw (I love drawing). Unfortunately, it was raining. So pretty much, my pants are wet and I'm stuck here at school all day cause its a Tuesday and I'm not very comfortable. Any suggestions?
In music class, we are doing "group presentations". Unfortunately mine is not such a "group", nobody else wanted to be in the contemporary rock presentation so I get to do it by myself.
So thats whats going on in my life. Busy, busy, busy....
So, yesterday I took my Botany test, it seemed to have gone fairly well. The music test has been postponed until Thursday (which is good cause I was a little worried).
Today our Botany class went on a "field trip". First of all, I HATE what they call field trips. All the field trips are is trecking around campus looking for leaves. I'd much rather stay in lab and draw (I love drawing). Unfortunately, it was raining. So pretty much, my pants are wet and I'm stuck here at school all day cause its a Tuesday and I'm not very comfortable. Any suggestions?
In music class, we are doing "group presentations". Unfortunately mine is not such a "group", nobody else wanted to be in the contemporary rock presentation so I get to do it by myself.
So thats whats going on in my life. Busy, busy, busy....
Friday, May 19, 2006
Finally, a new van
Our van finally bit the dust. My parents have decided to get a new vehicle. This morning my dad flew to Chicago to pick up our newish van. It's used, but it is in excellent condition. No more embarassing rides in the old van with the rusty top and chipped paint. OHhhhhhhhhhhh Right!
Today I only have one class at college, then I get to go home. However, I have two tests on Monday, so the majority of today will probably be spent studying for them, since I will be going over to Hope's tomorrow.
On Sunday, I'm going to babysit. I love the little girls that I babysit for. They are so adorable. Mackenzie is seven and Alaina is one and a half and they are angels. I bring crafts over when I babysit and they love it.
Off to class.................
Today I only have one class at college, then I get to go home. However, I have two tests on Monday, so the majority of today will probably be spent studying for them, since I will be going over to Hope's tomorrow.
On Sunday, I'm going to babysit. I love the little girls that I babysit for. They are so adorable. Mackenzie is seven and Alaina is one and a half and they are angels. I bring crafts over when I babysit and they love it.
Off to class.................
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Over the Hedge
Last night, Ri, my littlest sibs, my aunt and I went to a pre-showing of over the hedge. Over all, it was a cute movie. There were a few comments in the movie that weren't very nice though and of course those are the ones that little Zach remembered and repeated. Oh well, that's just the way it is with little kids. Unfortunately, a gay couple sat in front of us and was making out throughout the movie. (NASTY!!!!) That was really disturbing. I don't really mind seeing people make out very much unless they're gay, then thats a whole different bag of worms.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
This week has been pretty laid back for me, well that is since our van broke down. Nothing much has been happening except for school. However, tonight my aunt is taking my sisters, Zach, and I out. She won't tell us where but I'm guessing that we'll go out to a movie.
This weekend Hope, Ri, and I are having a sleepover at Hope's house so that we can chat. (we haven't done much together lately cause we're so busy with school)
So that's pretty much my week in short...
This weekend Hope, Ri, and I are having a sleepover at Hope's house so that we can chat. (we haven't done much together lately cause we're so busy with school)
So that's pretty much my week in short...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I'm havin a BREAKDOWN
I'm havin a breakdown, breakdown ohhh, breakdown, breakdown ohhh. Saved up my money, to buy a new guitar, then I got ripped off by that guy who fixed my car, I think I've had enough, I think I'm, I'm giving up....
Our van broke down again! The funny thing is, that makes three times this week (and not all of them were the same van). I think its quite comical, but my family doesn't. At least yesterday, it broke down when we were at Alki beach. Alki beach is a much nicer place to hang out at than Burger King. So, we walked the beach and went to Tullys. It was actually kinda fun, except for the part of getting home after ten o'clock and having to get up in the morning.
Our van broke down again! The funny thing is, that makes three times this week (and not all of them were the same van). I think its quite comical, but my family doesn't. At least yesterday, it broke down when we were at Alki beach. Alki beach is a much nicer place to hang out at than Burger King. So, we walked the beach and went to Tullys. It was actually kinda fun, except for the part of getting home after ten o'clock and having to get up in the morning.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Hectic Weekend
I'm sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. My house has been really busy the last few days. We invited both of our grandmothers over for dinner. My dad's mom came over early and went to church with us in the morning, on the way home our van broke down. The funny thing is that we weren't even driving our usual van because my mom's van had already broken down early in the week. Ri and I had been joking around on Saturday saying that we didn't trust the replacement van. Boy were we right. So we spent like an hour or two of our Sunday afternoon sitting at a burger king waiting for a ride home. So that's pretty much the excitement of the weekend.
I also had to study for two tests which I'm taking today. One in botany and the other in music appreciation. Fun, fun, fun......... Well I gotta get off to class.
I also had to study for two tests which I'm taking today. One in botany and the other in music appreciation. Fun, fun, fun......... Well I gotta get off to class.
Monday, May 08, 2006

Over the weekend I mostly relaxed, played guitar, and watched a couple movies. Well, here they are:
Last Holiday, a hillarious movie about a lady who is told that she has three weeks left to live. Her response, blowing all her money. (warning, lots of language and some sexual references)
The Greatest Game Ever Played, an interesting movie about a young man who loves golf and ends up competing in some of the biggest golf tournaments. (true story)
Friday, May 05, 2006
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The Movies
Yesterday, Tbqelite, Rabenstrange, Ri and I went out to a movie and teriyaki. We had lots of fun. Our original plan was to catch a 4:30 matinee and then just go home and study or something. However, Tbqelite had to take his sister to a dentist appointment and it ran late. By the time we got to the theatre, we were about twenty minutes late so we decided to go to the mall and catch a later showing. We were all starving so we got teriyaki. I learned somthing new about Tbqelite, never mess with his food.
Anyways, the movie we went to was RV. It was hilarious. I'm still not sure if if was the funniest movie I've seen in the last few years or if I was just overly tired but Ri and I were laughing so hard we had trouble breathing. Well for any of you peoples who like comedy, this is one you should go see...
Monday, May 01, 2006
Yesterday I stayed up way to late and watched Pride and Prejudice. I love that movie! However, I regretted it when I tryed to drag myself out of bed after a measly five hours of sleep.
After I babysat, yesterday, Mark came over and taught me some new stuff on guitar. He's teaching me how to make my own riffs so that I can write my own songs and play lead guitar. It's pretty cool. Well, I gotta go to class. Till tomorrow, mata ashita!
After I babysat, yesterday, Mark came over and taught me some new stuff on guitar. He's teaching me how to make my own riffs so that I can write my own songs and play lead guitar. It's pretty cool. Well, I gotta go to class. Till tomorrow, mata ashita!