Since its Sunday, I've decided to do nothing of importance today... I've been relaxing, cleaned my room, listened to music, and read. This year, I'm trying to not do much work on Sunday. I used to use Sundays to catch up on homework etc. but by the end of last quarter I was totally worn out.
I'm currently reading part 2 of Jane Austin's
Pride and Prejudice and have been enjoying it immensely. I love all the horrid proposals of marriage that the men make in Jane Austin's books. Darcy's proposal is probably the worst though Mr Collins is a close second. Mr. Elton's proposal in
Emma was pretty bad too.
My classes at college are keeping me quite busy. I'm taking 17 credits this quarter, 4 classes. My favorite class is by far guitar. But then, what class can beat guitar class even if I picked classes entirely accoring to how interesting they sounded? I'm hoping to take the History of Rock-n-Roll class next quarter, we'll see...