More quotes & stuff
It's hard to believe that I only have 3 1/2 weeks left till graduation. This weekend my mom and I sent out invites to my graduation party... Its amazing how fast time passes when you're busy, it seems like Christmas was just a couple weeks ago and I can remember my first day of college like it was yesterday.
Also, its my dad's birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!
Here are some more great quotes for the musical world...
"When people here good music, it makes them homesick for something they never had and never will have"
~Edgar Watson Howe
"You are the music while the music lasts."
~T.S. Eliot
"The History of People is found in its songs."
~George Jellinek
"There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief, that does not find relief in music."
~George Eliot
"Music is spiritual. The music business is not."
~Van Morrison
"I started making music because I could."
~Alanis Morissette