Monday, November 28, 2005

Last week o' school

It's my last week of school for the quarter!!!! I can't wait till winter break.
This weekend, we ended up staying home for Thanksgiving. My little sis was sick so my aunt uninvited us. It's the first Thanksgiving I can remember celebrating without extended family around.
The day after Thanksgiving, our family did the usual shopping day. It was crazy, but definately worth it. I bought several Christmas presents and a mp3 player for myself. The day after that, we went shopping again with my aunt. I got several more presents checked off the list. I still need to do my internet shopping though...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Another Wednesday...

I'm soooo happy to have my last math test over with. I think that I'll probably get an A on it. That's especially nice cause I didn't do so well on my last test.
Tomarrow and Friday I have Japanese tests. Hopefully I'll do well on those also.
In two weeks school will be out for winter brake. I can't wait!!! Ri and I want to have a Christmas party with some of our friends but we'll have to wait and see if we can. December is always super busy for my family. My parents are going to be going on a trip for a few days in December, so Ri and I are going to go stay with our aunt. Mason's birthday is in December. The church's Christmas production is next month... You get the idea...
This weekend is my little brother, Zach's birthday. It's hard to believe that he's almost four already. It seemed like just a few days ago when we brought him home from the hospital. Time seems to go faster as I get older I guess...

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Three cheers for a three day weekend.

I haven't posted for awhile cause I've been so busy with school. Next week I don't have History class!!!! I hate all the homework from history.
Next month my church is putting on a Christmas Concert with Natalie Grant. I'm going to be playing in the orchestra. It'll be my first concert since I've joined. I'm not super fond of her myself, but it'll still be cool.
As for this weekend, I've heard that some of the peoples I know are going to be paintballing. I might join them.

Friday, November 04, 2005

the holidays

I can't believe that its almost Thanksgiving. It seems like last Thanksgiving was a couple weeks ago. This year my family is going to Spokane to celebrate with my cousins. I like seeing family, but I want to sleep in my own bed and do the day after thanksgiving shopping at the malls by my house.
Last Monday (halloween), Ri, Rabenstrange, and I went trick-or-treating as Christmas carolers. It was funny, but excrutiatingly embarassing. Not many college students go trick-or-treating..... We sang horrible to since Rabenstrange can't sing at all and Ri and I didn't practice.