Monday, April 24, 2006

Hectic Weekend

These pillows look awfully nice right now............
Today I'm running on low. Yesterday was CRAZY. In the morning I went to church (like every Sunday). After church, I went home, ate lunch, and cleaned my room. Then I babysat for a few hours. And THEN I went to combine at St. Marks Cathedral on Crown Hill.

Going to combine was strange. Some of the people there were dressed like they were going to church. Others, however were in street clothes. Some people were even lying around on the altar! I couldn't believe it. (this was an assignment for my music class) A mens choir sang, some of the songs were in Latin and some were in English. Most of the songs were scriptures. After the choir sang, an organist played. The organ at St. Marks is the biggest pipe organ in Washington and my is it huge. I started counting the many pipes but gave up after counting over forty and having not counted most of them. The service was very solemn. Nobody talked. Very Strange.............

So yeah, I went to that all between the hours of 9:30-11:00 and so I'm very tired.


Blogger Coie Watson said...

Yeah, those pillows do look nice. Especially since I left mine at a hotel in Illinois last week...or whenever it was that was there. I can't even remember my middle name right now. Too much sun and dust. My siblings played baseball for 3 hours today and the left half of my face burned. It's pretty embarrassing since the other half is totally white. It's bad enough that I can't tan, but burning in different shades in downright humiliating.

5:40 PM  
Blogger Emily said...

I don't tan much either. Fortunately I haven't gotten any sunburns this spring, yet.....

11:35 AM  

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