Thursday, April 06, 2006

Girls and Guys ARE different

1. When girls get angry, you can often talk through it with them. When guys are angry, stay out of their way.

2. Girls show off their shopping finds, guys show off their scars.

3. When girls are going somewhere and need a lunch, they pack a cute little lunch with lots of different stuff. Guys tend to grab whatevers in arms length.

4. When girls workout at the gym, they shower off and put on clean clothes. Guys seem to think that wearing sweaty gym clothes is attractive.

to be continued...........


Blogger Neemund said...

I'd vote that guys are easier to talk to when they're angry than girls. Guys' anger is a state of being, not an emotion; you can usually talk reason with them.

For guys, shopping is merely a way to aquire stuff. It is neither a social event, hobby, past time, or enjoyable experience.

Guys don't care how cute their food is, hence they don't spend much time on it. All that matters is how well it quenches the hunger when required.

Straight guys don't shower off @ the gym. It's too disturbing to have to shower with other guys. Hence we wait until we get home; there's nothing particularly attractive about being sweaty and maybe smelling a little, but it beats the alternative.

The bathroom is probably the most unlikely place a guy will ever start a conversation with ANYONE.

Girls wear outfits; guys merely wear clothes. (I guess babies are generally forced to wear outfits but that stops when they become capable of dressing themselves)

Girls like to pick out a top that matches the rest of their outfit. Guys usually grab a random shirt and sniff it to see if it will last another day or two.

10:27 PM  
Blogger EJB said...

No when girls get angry they don't talk about it they boil inwardly until it comes crashing out. Yes it comes out as talking but it's far from pretty. Sneaky and vicious things are done before that like bad talking about you behind your back. Guys tell you when they're mad at you and then they're likely to hit you, if you’re a guy anyway. But after that they "say sorry"(which doesn't mean they really say it, it's implied more) and things go back to normal because you know they're over it and now you're over it. But with girls they still keep a part of that angry and you never know when it's going to come back.

9:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"All that matters is how well it quenches the hunger when required."



That's about right.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Emily said...

I still think that girls are easier to talk to. The guys around me seem to think that they are ALWAYS right and can NEVER be wrong.

Also, what's so bad about showering in a locker room? I thought that guys didn't care that much about other guys seeing them in the buck. (The girl's locker room has shower stalls, HA HA HA!)

6:50 PM  

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