Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Twas the Day after Christmas

Well, Christmas went quite well. On Christmas Eve, our immediate family exchanged gifts. My parents gave me 2 versions of Pride and Prejudice (the 1985 version and the one with Colin Firth) , a book with all the Jane Austin novels, and a moleskine day planner. Ri and Mason gave me a LeSportsac purse. And Rabenstrange gave me a pen drive with skype loaded on it with a headset so that I can skype from any computer since my comp isn't good enough for Skype. After our family exchanged gifts, we went over to my Uncle Chris's house for dinner, a cookie exchange, and slept over. Then in the morning, we did stockings before going to my Aunt Sarah's house for Christmas dinner.
Today we relaxed a bit. I slept in till 11ish and then went with my mom to visit my grandpa in the nursing home. After visiting him, we went to Target before heading home. Since getting home, I haven't really done much of anything. I played guitar and cleaned the kitchen...


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