Monday, October 03, 2005

Maddie's Birthday

Yesterday was my baby sister's second birthday. It's hard to believe that she's already two. It seems like just yesterday when I went with my dad to pick her up from the hospital.
Anyways, Sunday my mom had a birthday lunch for her. She invited a couple of our cousins Alicia who's one and Mia who's four months. She was given a Hello Kitty, Hello Kitty coloring books, two outfits, and a Madeline Iffle Tower playhouse.
Yesterday which was her actual birthday our family had a little birthday dinner for her and gave her a Madeline doll, a stick horse, and a tractor thing.
It's funny though cause my brother Zach is used to being the center of attention. Whenever we try to take a picture of Maddie or she is given a present he wants to be in the picture or open the present. He got really frusterated.
Tonight my grandparents, one of my aunts, and one of my uncles are coming over for dinner. That'll be interesting...


Blogger Briez said...

ooh...That's so cute. That reminds me...Sorry Em and Ri I missed your guy's party, but I'm kinda glad I didn't get sick.

10:03 AM  

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