Saturday, June 09, 2007

One down, Three to go

This evening I did my first final. It was just my guitar final, so it was really easy. Pretty much, my class played for an open-mic thingy at the Stop-Gap Theatre. We did okay, but not spectacular or amazing. The accoustics were aweful and we had a horrible time hearing each other, so it definately could have gone more smoothly.
My other finals are on Wednesday and Friday mornings. For theory class, I'll be given a take-home on Tues. and then I also have a string-quartet composition due as part of that final. Then, on Friday, I have a Rock History final, which is a paper (that I've already written), some musical listening examples (this time its punk, hip-hop, & art rock), and a few multiple choice questions. Then, my hardest final is Wednesday, and that would be my sociology final. It is 2 hours long, and we're actually expected to stay for the entire 2 hours. I'm irritated about that! Then, I'll be free! :P I'm really looking forward to gratuating.
This afternoon, I picked up a finale songwriter at Fry's Electronics and set it up on my mac. I've put in most of my opus No. 1. Maybe if I can figure out how to post it, I will.... I'm not so great with comps yet.
well its uber late so I'm off to bed. Night y'all!


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